
Tiguan tips & tricks
Enjoy better living with Volkswagen

Learn how to open and close your windows remotely

First, go into Car > Settings Opening/Closing >Convenience opening and then select “All windows” on your dashboard.

Once it’s set, you can close your windows while locking your car by pressing the lock button for 3 seconds.

To open your windows while you unlock your car, press the unlock button for 3 seconds on your key.

How to automatically lock your exteriors doors

With this special feature, you can lock your doors from the outside only, making you feel safer.

Go into Car > Vehicle settings > Opening & Closing then choose the “Auto locking option”.

Keep your side mirrors clear when it rains

Ensure the mirror control button is pointing down towards the heating icon at all times. In this setting, sensors will register when it is raining and will heat your wing mirrors to keep them clear.

Discover how your radio can pick up local radio stations while travelling to other regions

Go into Radio > Settings > Advanced settings > Automatic frequency control then select “Automatic” for RDS regional. You’re ready for your road trip now.

Useful tech tips and tricks you should know...

How to set the tailgate height

If you need to change the height of your tailgate, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the tailgate and stop it with your hand at the height you wish
2. Press the left button on the tailgate until you hear a sound

Once done, your tailgate will automatically stop at your new chosen height.

How to wash your rear camera

After a while or if you’re driving off road, your rear camera can get dusty. There are easy steps to follow when it comes to keeping your rear camera clean.

1. Start the car
2. Put the gear in reverse
3. Use the rear wiper

The camera will be washed at the same time, you can see it directly on your screen.

How to properly wash your windscreen

You might think your wipers are in the way when it comes to cleaning your windscreen, but there’s an easy way to lift them.

1. Press your start button twice
2. Hold down the wipers command
- Your wipers should now be up on the windscreen allowing you to pull them and wash your windscreen properly.

To put them back in their initial position simply:
1. Press the start button once
2. Lift the wipers command up

How to reset your tyre pressure sensors

Once you've set the right pressure for your tyres, you need to make sure your sensors are back to 0.

Go into Car > Vehicle status > Tyre pressure loss indicator. Then hit "SET" and confirm. The sensor will be set back to 0 until you need to check the pressure again.

How to activate area view while parking

In some situations, you may want to use the area view while parking. To activate simply:
1. Put your car in drive position
2. Press the button with the camera on the left-hand side of the gear lever

You can now click on the different areas surrounding the car on the screen to have a better view of your surroundings.

How to adjust the distance on adaptive cruise control

Simply press the button on the left-hand side of the steering wheel, run through the different distance options and choose your favourite one.

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